Here are the guests that have been on the Digital to Dice podcast.

Episode 247
Dave and Ron are joined by Clay Dreslough again, this time he talks about his new Season Ticket Football game.
Clay Dreslough
Episode 242
Dave and Ron chat with John Turnbull and his new game, Drive Time Football.
John Turnbull
Episode 233
Dave and Ron kick off year six of D2D with Keith Avallone from Plaay Games.
Keith Avallone
Episode 226
John Alexander
Dave and Ron chat with Community Member John Alexander about being in Game Mode, and also about other sports sim topics and his YouTube channel.
Episode 224
Mark Cohen
Dave and Ron talk with Mark Cohen about what is new in version 12 of Digital Diamond Baseball.
Episode 223
Adam Criblez
Dave and Ron talk with author Adam Criblez about his book, Kings of the Garden, the New York Knicks and Their City.
Episode 220
Greg Barath
Geoff Giordano
Dave and Ron talk with Greg Barath and Geoff Giordano about APBA Football.
Episode 219
J. Thomas Hetrick
Dave and Ron interview J. Thomas Hetrick about his new stats book and his new baseball game.
Episode 207
Randi Druzin
We talk to Randi Druzin of the book, Behind the Mask, A Revealing Look at Twelve of the Greatest Goaltenders in Hockey History
Episode 200
Kerry Batts
Mike in the Truck
We are joined by Kerry Batts and Mike in the Truck from Pro Strategy Football, as they celebrate episode 200 with Dave and Ron, and talk about their new game.
Episode 191
Steve Tower
Steve Tower of After Further Review joins us to talk fictional replays.​
Episode 184
Marco Scola
Ron and Dave interview YouTuber and Gamer Marco Scola about his gaming journey.
Episode 182
Steve Walker
Ron and Dave interview author Steve Walker about his book, A Whole New Ballgame, the 1969 Washington Senators. Buy it here: http://pocolpress.com/getBookDetail.php?bookID=000089
Episode 181
John Herson &
Gilles Thibault
Ron and Dave talk with John Herson from APBA and Gilles Thibault an APBA Hall of Famer.​
Episode 176
Dave Arlington &
Hockey Unreal
Ron and Dave talk with card creator Dave Arlington and YouTube channel host Hockey Unreal about the game Hockey Bones.​
Episode 165
Steve Tate
Ron and Dave talk with Steve Tate about his Action PC Sports games content.
Episode 162
Mark Cohen
Ron and Dave talk with Mark Cohen, the creator of Digital Diamond Baseball.
Episode 158
Matt McKeever and
Craig Harris
Ron and Dave talk with Matt McKeever and Craig Harris about the 2nd edition of Pocket Pennant Run.
Episode 150
Kerry Batts
Ron and Dave talk with Kerry Batts about the 2023 version of his Pro Strategy Football game.
Episode 148
Gary Brown
Dave and Ron interview Gary Brown, developer of Legends of Boxing, Grid Zone, and Dice United, about his new hockey game, Stone Cold Hockey.
Episode 142
Scott Surgent
Dave and Ron interview author Scott Surgent on his statistical book, The Complete World Hockey Association.
Episode 139
Dave and Ron interview community member and creator IDJester about sports and war gaming.
Episode 136
Gilles Thibault
Dave and Ron interview community member and APBA Hall of Famer Gilles Thibault. They talk APBA games and more.
Episode 134
J. Thomas Hetrick
Dave and Ron interview J. Thomas Hetrick the author of the book Misfits! Baseball's Worst Ever Team, about the 1899 Cleveland Spiders.
Episode 122
Chris Doelle
Ron and Dave are joined by Chris Doelle the creator of Basketball Legends.
Episode 118
Matt McKeever and
Craig Harris
Dave and Ron talk with Matt McKeever and Craig Harris, the creators of the new baseball game Pocket Pennant Run.
Episode 115
Kevin Burghardt
Ron and Dave are joined by Kevin Burghardt as they talk about Second Season football from Plaay Games.
Episode 107
Clay Dreslough
Dave and Ron are joined by Clay Dreslough from Sports Mogul, as they talk about Football Mogul, Baseball Mogul, and Season Ticket Baseball.
Episode 101
Al Wilson
Dave and Ron talk with Al Wilson about his contributions to the gaming community and also his new game Fast Drive Football.
Episode 100
Dave Koch
Ron and Dave celebrate show 100 by talking with Dave Koch from the Action PC Sports games.
Episode 93
Marc Unger
Dave and Ron are joined by Marc Unger of the Amazon TV series Thespian. He talks about his upcoming documentary on the sports sim community and his first gaming memories with his dad's homemade baseball game.
Episode 91
Steve Tower
Dave and Ron talk with Steve Tower from the YouTube channel: After Further Review with Steve Tower.
Episode 85
Rich Grisham
Ron and Dave talk with Rich Grisham from OOTP about the new OOTP 22 baseball game.
Episode 84
Mark Zarb
Dave and Ron are joined by Mark Zarb who redesigned APBA Hockey version 2. Along with hockey, we talk about APBA Football and also his full season replays in both sports.
Episode 82
Ian Brooke
Ron and Dave talk to Ian Brooke, the creator of On-Deck Baseball. www.on-deckbaseballgame.com
Episode 80
Roberto Chiavini
Ron and Dave talk about the Roberto Chiavini Games and also conduct an interview with him via email.
Episode 78
Glenn Walker
Dave and Ron talk with author Glenn Walker, who used an Action PC football season replay as the back drop to a murder mystery novel.
Episode 73
Jeff Riddolls
Dave and Ron are joined by Jeff Riddolls the producer of the Franchise Hockey Manager series. They talk about the release of the new Franchise Hockey Manager 7.
Episode 71
Lon Whitehead
Ron and Dave are joined by Lon Whitehead the creator of the horse racing game Top of the Stretch.
Episode 68
Joe Bryan
Ron and Dave interview Joe Bryan from sidelinestrategy.com, the creator of Payoff Pitch and SSG Basketball.
Episode 56
Kerry Batts
Ron and Dave are joined by Kerry Batts the developer of Pro Strategy Football, and they talk about the newly released 2021 version.
Episode 49
Jason Graham
Episode 27
Al RedSox Fan
In this extended show Dave and Ron talk with friend of the show and veteran sports sim player Al RedSox fan. We talk about what we're playing and go over listener comments from past shows and topics.
Episode 15
Bruce Kish
Ron and Dave talk with game creator Bruce Kish about his Classic Hockey and other games.
Episode 12
S.T. Patrick
Episode 7
Michael Owens
Ron and Dave talk with game developer Michael Owens. He talks about his games past, present, and future, and we also have a nice chat about sports in general.
Episode 3
Ron and Dave talk with Craig Wessel the creator of All Star Lineup Baseball.
Craig Wessel